When calling, please be patient if you get the answering machine, we are most likely with a client. You can call us in the following phone numbers and we will answer as soon as possible.
For non-urgent enquiries and booking of appointments, feel free to shoot us a text on the mobile numbers below. Otherwise, feel free to send your enquiries through our contact form or give us a call on 02 4244 4443.
19/35 Five Islands Road, Port Kembla
New South Wales 2505, Australia
Opening Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
9am - 4pm
Contact Numbers:
Ph: 02 4244 4443
Mob: 0401 873 554
At Water Walkies, we ensure that our clients are always supervised by our qualified canine hydrotherapists and they provide complimentary benefits to ensure they get the most out of our Hydrotherapy Services.
Water Walkies offers dog hydrotherapy for learn to swim and water confidence lessons, fun and fitness, injury rehabilitation, pain and arthritis management, and weight loss. We support your companion’s journey to better health and wellbeing. All animals are introduced into the water at their own pace.
Phone: 02 4244 4443
0401 873 554
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 2pm
Friday and Saturday 9am - 4pm
19/35 Five Islands Road, Port Kembla,
NSW 2505, Australia